You’ve gotta pizza my heart…
Thank you so much for your recent cookie cutter purchase!
Some of the very first Valentine’s Day cookies I ever made were mini pizzas in mini pizza boxes…and then I never stopped making them because they were always a HIT!
If you’re planning on making some cute pizza cookies this year, these downloadable labels or gift tags are for you!
These labels were designed to fit on these mini pizza boxes, but you can also scale them smaller ahead of printing to use them as gift tags on your cookie bags instead. Win!
Have fun, cookie friends!
Tips for Use:
If you’re downloading your Pizza Label PDF onto a mac computer, you can scale or select how many copies per page you’d like to print in Apple Preview. The higher number of copies you select, the smaller the labels print while filling the page.
If you’re downloading your Pizza Label PDF onto a pc computer, you can simply scale your images to the size you’d like ahead of printing.